Al Ayre español
Conductor: Eduardo López Banzo
JUAN MANUEL DE LA PUENTE (1692-1753) CANTATAS Y VILLANCICOS Two factors point to Juan Manuel de la Puente as one of the great choirmasters of Jaén Cathedral: his extensive musical work, largely preserved in the Cathedral itself and the interest shown him by musicologists such as Robert Stevenson who said of him "...a credit to the church of Jaén, may his memory live on to be elevated to the place of preference it deserves..." De la Puente was born in Tomelloso (Guadalajara) in 1692 and died in Jaén itself, in 1753. His early years were spent at his birthplace...+ info
Al Turath Ensemble
THE ANDALUSI WASLAH OF ALEPPO, SYRIA WASLAH Awaslah is the performance of up to eight muwashshahát (plural of muwashshaha) in succession together with an instrumental introduction. Common to all sections of such a waslah cycle is the principle maqám row, whereby the combination of pieces can comprises the works of several poets and composers. The muwashshah composition played at the beginning of a cycle may have a longer longer wazn than the muwashsahát that follow. A total of 22 waslát (plural of waslah) are known in Aleppo, each of them named according...+ info
Orquesta de Córdoba
Conductor: José Luis Temes
JOSÉ MUÑOZ MOLLEDA: WORKS FOR ORCHESTRA In strictly chronological terms, José Muñoz Molleda must be considered a member of the so-called Generation of 27 (also the Silver Generation or the Generation of the Republic), because he borra in the sarne year (1905) as for example Ernesto Halffter, Emilio Lehmberg and Jesús Bal y Gay. Then, he was a year older than Gustavo Pittaluga and Simón Tapia-Colman (1906) and a little younger than Jesús García Leoz (1904), Evaristo Fernández Blanco and Rosa García Ascot (1902), Arturo D&...+ info
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