• Julian Arcas

    Fantasía 'El Paño'

    María Esther Guzmán, guitarra

    AN EVENTFUL LIFE Julián Gabino Arcas Lacal was bo.rn in María (Almería) on 25th October 1832. His father, Pedro Arcas, was a good amateur guitarist who followed the work of Dionisio Aguado and his school. At an early age he was to start teaching his sons Julian and Manuel, both of whom immediately showed a natural affinity for the instrument. When Julián is 12, the Arcas family moves to a Malaga, perhaps attracted by the economic boom the city was then experiencing. Here, he is taught by José Asencio, Dionisio Aguado's favourite guitarrist, who was capitali...+ info

  • Obras para Piano (1949-1992)

    Manuel Castillo

    Ana Guijarro

    MANUEL CASTILLO He was born in Sevilla in 1930. He was a student to A. Pantión and N. Almandoz, to A. Lucas Moreno y Conrado dei Campo in Madrid; to Lazare Levy and Nadia Boulanger in Paris. From 1995 he has worked as Professor of Piano and later on of Composition in the Conservatory "Manuel Castillo" of Sevilla, of which he was the headmaster from 1964 to 1978. Among the Prizes he has been awarded the most outstanding ones are the following: "Joaquín Turina", "Nacional de Música" 1959; "Manuel de Falla" (1975) and other granted for his choral works. In 1976 he was giv...+ info

  • Juan Manuel de la Puente

    Cantatas y Villancicos

    Al Ayre español

    Conductor: Eduardo López Banzo

    JUAN MANUEL DE LA PUENTE (1692-1753) CANTATAS Y VILLANCICOS   Two factors point to Juan Manuel de la Puente as one of the great choirmasters of Jaén Cathedral: his extensive musical work, largely preserved in the Cathedral itself and the interest shown him by musicologists such as Robert Stevenson who said of him "...a credit to the church of Jaén, may his memory live on to be elevated to the place of preference it deserves..." De la Puente was born in Tomelloso (Guadalajara) in 1692 and died in Jaén itself, in 1753. His early years were spent at his birthplace...+ info


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Almaviva aims to highlight the work
of such illustrious Andalusians as Manuel de Falla and Joaquín Turina.

Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura
Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía
Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales

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