• Una Iberia para Albéniz

    Diversos compositores contemporáneos

    Juan Carlos Garvayo

    Una Iberia para Albéniz is the result of custom made by the Spanish Association of Classical Music Festivals (FestClásica) to twelve Spanish composers: Fernando Buide del Real, Zulema de la Cruz, Gabriel Erkoreka, Miguel Gálvez-Taroncher, José García Román, Pilar Jurado, Marisa Stained, Hector Parra, David del Puerto, Mauricio Sotelo, Jesús Torres and José Luis Turina, to mark the double anniversary of the birth and death the brilliant composer and pianist Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909) in 2009 and 2010. Based on the twelve tracks that ...+ info

  • Zayin

    Francisco Guerrero

    Arditti String Quartet

    ZAYIN BY FRANCISCO GUERRERO   Born in Jaén on the 7th of July 1951, Francisco Guerrero began his musical studies self-taught at the age of six, with the help and advice of his father, who was an excellent teacher. He became a pupil of Juan Alfonso García in Granada and soon showed a precocious talent which led to his receiving the Manuel de Falla Prize in 1970 for his composition Facturas. From his earliest works he shows a particular inclination to investigate the nature of sound to its farthest limits (his interest in electroacoustic technology had begun in the early ...+ info

  • Compositores Andaluces Actuales en el Festival de Granada

    M. Castillo, J. A. Garcia, José G. Roman, F. Guerrero, M. Hidalgo

    Manuel CASTILLO:   Concerto for piano and orchestra n. 3 Born in Seville in 1930, Manuel Castillo is one of the most widely-respected composers of the current “generation of maestros”. An excellent pianist, organist and teacher, he is an institution in the musical and cultural world of his home city, and his career and works have made him one of the most representative figures among the Andalusian composers in recent times. Manuel Castillo’s music has been included on several occasions in the programmes of the Festival of Granada, notably the recent world premiere o...+ info


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Almaviva aims to highlight the work
of such illustrious Andalusians as Manuel de Falla and Joaquín Turina.

Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura
Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía
Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales

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