• Maestros Andaluces en Nueva España

    Obras de Antonio de Salazar, Matías Ruiz, Miguel de Riva, Diego José de Salazar, Francisco Sanz y

    Cappella Mediterranea

    Music and Andalusian musicians in New Spain   The musical links between New Spain and Andalusia have existed since the earliest days of the discovery and the conquest. Surely that "maese Pedro, he of the harp ", mentioned by Bernal Diaz del Castillo upon arriving on American soil with Hernán Cortés’ troops, was a member of the first group of Andalusians who came to settle in the newly-conquered America. But the passing of time, particularly after the foundation of new cities and the construction of their cathedrals, brought closer the links with the music of Andalusi...+ info

  • Andalucía en la Música Judeo-Española

    Alia Musica

    Alia Musica

    Conductor: Miguel Sánchez

    ANDALUCÍA EN LA MÚSICA JUDEOESPAÑOLA   En su acepción estricta, el término sefardí se aplica para designar a los judíos oriundos de España, es decir, los descendientes de los expulsados a finales del siglo XV que han conservado a lo largo del tiempo rasgos culturales hispánicos. En el reducido ámbito del hogar familiar o en las reuniones y celebraciones festivas, sociales y religiosas, ha ido tomando cuerpo, después de la expulsión y fuera de la Península, el repertorio que hoy conocemos como m&u...+ info

  • Obras para Violoncello y Piano. Tríos 1 & 2

    Manuel Castillo

    Oscar Martín, Piano, Trino Zurita, Violoncello, Miguel Romero, Violín

    Manuel castillo Navarro-Aguilera was born in Sevilla in 1930. He displayed musical talent at an early age both as a pianist and as a composer. He studied in Sevilla with Norberto Almandoz (Chapel Master at the Cathedral) and in Madrid with A. Lucas Moreno (piano) and Conrado del Campo (composition). He was awarded the Joaquin Turina Prize when he was only 19, and at 21 he debuted as a pianist with the Bética Chamber Orchestra. He continued his studies in Paris with Lazare Levy (piano) and Nadia Boulanger (composition) and, after his return to Spain, he got a professorship at the Seville...+ info


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Almaviva aims to highlight the work
of such illustrious Andalusians as Manuel de Falla and Joaquín Turina.

Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura
Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía
Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales

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